
OH Masers in the Water Megamaser Disk of NGC 1068


HSA studies of the H2O megamaser disk of NGC 1068 have revealed remarkable structures that are almost certainly associated with organized, parsec-scale magnetic fields. Although the kinematics are dominated by rotation in a (near-) Keplerian gravitational potential, H2O masers incompletely sample the disk kinematics. We propose to observe the OH masers previously detected by the VLA to (1) confirm their association with the water maser disk; (2) improve the sampling of the molecular accretion disk kinematics, particularly on the eastern (blueshifted) side of the disk; and (3) measure (or constrain) the strength and orientation of the parsec-scale magnetic fields threading the molecular disk.


Name Institution
Jack Gallimore * Bucknell University
Violette Impellizzeri National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Leiden, University of; Joint ALMA Observatory
GBT Operator Green Bank Observatory

* indicates the PI