
Probing the Jet Base of M87 in the Time Domain


Recent Event Horizon Telescope observations of M87 have revealed a ring-like structure near the event horizon. The corresponding linear polarization images indicate that a strong, ordered, and poloidal-dominated magnetic field may exist in the vicinity of the black hole, in good agreement with the models of AGN jet launching. The ring emission may consist of two components: the gravitationally lensed photon ring and the photons not entirely bound by the gravity, such as the emission from the plasma in the forward jet. It is, unfortunately, not very straightforward to disentangle these components with the 1mm images only. Our recent GMVA+ALMA observations of M87 at 3mm indicate that a ring-like structure may exist in the core of M87 at 3mm as well. Investigating the images of the horizon-scale emission at 1 and 3mm would bring invaluable information on the origin of the ring and the physical properties of the innermost accretion flows and jet base. Here we propose new observations with a global VLBI array in two epochs near in time to the planned GMVA+ALMA observations in Spring 2022. Our observations will test the jet launching models and constrain the jet's acceleration mechanism, Faraday rotation, and magnetic field structure.


Name Institution
GBT Operator Green Bank Observatory
Keiichi Asada Academia Sinica
Kazuhiro Hada Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Masanori Nakamura Academia Sinica; National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College
Hung-Yi Pu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Rusen Lu Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie; Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Fumie Tazaki National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ; Tokyo Electron Technology Solutions Ltd.
Jongho Park * Kyung Hee University
Andrei Lobanov Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Jae-Young Kim Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie; Kyungpook National University
Wu Jiang Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
zhi-qiang shen Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Tomohisa Kawashima Tokyo, University of
Feng Yuan Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Thomas Krichbaum Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie

* indicates the PI