
Searching for Pulsations from VLITE Neutron Star Candidates


Pulsars are unique astrophysical laboratories that offer insights into a range of fundamental physical processes. The search for new pulsars is crucial for expanding our understanding of these fascinating objects and their potential applications in fields such as gravitational wave detection and tests of general relativity. In this proposal we request 12 h at both L band and the 800 MHz band (24 h total) to confirm 20 promising pulsar candidates identified by the VLITE instrument. These sources were identified as compact with steep radio spectrum within the footprint of the FIRST survey, and confirmed with other radio source catalogs following the removal of known and suspected extragalactic interlopers (AGN). Given their location at elevated Galactic latitudes, it is anticipated that most of these candidates will be millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in binary systems. If successful, this proposal will expand the population of MSPs, furthering our knowledge of this significant category of celestial bodies and paving the way for detecting additional pulsars through commensal low-frequency instruments like VLITE.


Name Institution
Emil Polisensky * Naval Research Laboratory
Amaris McCarver Texas Tech University
Julia Deneva Naval Research Laboratory
Megan DeCesar George Mason University
Paul Ray Naval Research Laboratory
Tracy Clarke Naval Research Laboratory
Wendy Lane Naval Research Laboratory

* indicates the PI