
Complete the Drift Scan Survey for Gas in Galaxies, the Milky Way, PSRs & FRBs


The goal of the GBT Drift scan survey has been to produce a Nyquist-sampled L-band spectral-line map of a region of sky between 15 hr < RA < 0 hr, and +45 < Dec < +50 deg, while simultaneously searching for pulsars, Fast Radio Bursts and other radio transients. The effort is to maximize scientific yield from a period of time when the telescope is otherwise not utilized due to movement restrictions imposed to facilitate its summer maintenance. While 2018 & 2019 observations focused on pulsar searches, partially covering the area at full-beam-width separations, full-Nyquist sampling is required for localizing extra-galactic sources via their HI and Radio Recombination lines. The data so-gathered also allows Galactic HI and OH studies. So far, about 42 percent of the area has been covered at full spatial sampling. A spectral-line data analysis pipeline has progressed considerably during the summer of 2023.
Work on a new Pulsar-Search Collaboratory database is also underway. This new endeavor is designed to increase student involvement in the search for Fast Radio Bursts and Pulsars. Hence, we request that this drift-scan survey utilizes the "summer maintenance 2024" to complete the survey.


Name Institution
Pedro Salas * Green Bank Observatory
Andrew Seymour Green Bank Observatory; National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center ; West Virginia University
Maura McLaughlin West Virginia University
Sue Ann Heatherly Green Bank Observatory
Natalia Lewandowska New York at Oswego, State University of
Tapasi Ghosh Green Bank Observatory
Robert Minchin National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Amber Bonsall Green Bank Observatory
Kimberly Emig National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Kristen Jones National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center ; Virginia, University of; Kansas, University of
Christopher Salter National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
Nathaniel Garver-Daniels West Virginia University

* indicates the PI