
HI-MaNGA: HI Followup for MaNGA Galaxies


This filler proposal requests further observations in the HI-MaNGA programme which aims to obtain HI single-dish observations for a large fraction of galaxies observed in the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey of SDSS-IV. This is an ideal filler proposal, as MaNGA galaxies are spread across many RAs. The HI-MaNGA program has already made valuable contributions to projects within and outside the MaNGA collaboration by adding total HI content (and/or HI line widths) to analysis. These data can also help to inform decisions about targets for future spatially resolved HI followup. We request 382 hours to observe 623 galaxies. This additional time will allows us to (1) complete HI observations of more z<0.05 MaNGA galaxies lacking HI data from other sources, or with partially complete GBT observations; (2) improve our upper limits for non-detections; we add a new aim to observe to a fixed gas fraction limits for a subset of HI-MaNGA non-detections. All reduced data will be made public through the SDSS system and our GBO survey page to benefit to the entire extragalactic community; our third data release for almost 60% of MaNGA, containing 3358 galaxies with GBT observations was released in SDSS DR17.


Name Institution
David Stark * Space Telescope Science Institute; Haverford College
GBT Operator Green Bank Observatory
Karen Masters Haverford College

* indicates the PI