
A scintillometric analysis of the relativistic binary pulsar B1534+12


The techniques of pulsar scintillometry have improved drastically in the past few years. This has enabled precise measurements of pulsars' orbital inclination and longitude of ascending node, which in relativistic systems with known component masses can provide an additional test of General Relativity (GR). Moreover, for systems with a known inclination, it is possible to infer the distance to the pulsar with a precision comparable with that of parallax measurements from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI).
With this proposal we aim to perform a scintillometric study of the double-neutron-star system PSR B1534+12. With a recent distance measurement from VLBI, 5 post-Keplerian parameters, and favourable scintillation parameters, this system provides an ideal testbed for using scintillometry to test GR, and to precisely measure binary distances.


Name Institution
Geetam Mall * Toronto, University of
Nina Gusinskaia Amsterdam, Universiteit van; Toronto, University of
Rik van Lieshout Toronto, University of
Marten van Kerkwijk Toronto, University of
Robert Main McGill University

* indicates the PI