
Search for Radio Pulsations from Non-interacting Compact Star Binaries with GBT


The Milky Way is estimated to contain about 10^9 neutron stars (NSs), with a subset of them in binary systems. However, characterizing the entire NS population is challenging because the majority of them are electromagnetically dim. Recent progress in optical observations has provided a new promising way to identifying compact stars (including NSs) in binaries. A large number of NS candidates have been identified from the astrometric and spectroscopic data with Gaia and LAMOST. However, their nature remains unclear. Here we propose a targeted observation with GBT to search radio pulsations in these non-interacting binary systems. We select binaries with compact star candidates from the Gaia and LAMOST astrometric and spectroscopic data. Detection of radio pulsations will definitely confirm their NS nature, provide valuable constraints on the formation of NSs in binaries, and validate the feasibility of searching for compact stars through radial velocity measurements.


Name Institution
Shijie Gao * Nanjing University
Yixuan Shao Nanjing University
Pei Wang National Astronomical Observatories, CAS
Ping Zhou Amsterdam, Universiteit van; Nanjing University
Xiangdong Li Nanjing University

* indicates the PI