
HI Observations of Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies


Giant low surface brightness disc galaxies (gLSBs) are rare objects with disc radii up to 130 kpc and total masses of 10^12 solar masses. They challenge currently accepted theories of galaxy formation and evolution, because it is difficult to build-up such large dynamically cold systems via mergers while preserving such extended discs. Recently we significantly extended a sample of gLSB galaxies by visual inspecting of 120 sq. deg. covered by deep Hyper Suprime-Cam data and found 42 new gLSB systems (Saburova et al. 2022). Here we propose a pilot HI observations of 4 gLSBs aiming to determine their neutral atomic hydrogen gas content and dark matter fraction derived from the rotation of the galaxies.


Name Institution
Philip Lah * Abu Dhabi, New York University
Joseph Gelfand New York University; National Science Foundation ; Abu Dhabi, New York University
Ivan Katkov Abu Dhabi, New York University

* indicates the PI