Spatially-resolved surveys of galaxies in both the optical and mm-wave bands are crucial to connect local physics to observed global trends and to anchor physical understanding of the processes that shape galaxies. What is sorely needed is such a survey for a galaxy sample that is representative of the local population, with depth capable of producing statistically meaningful results, and at a resolution that can be directly compared to cosmological simulations. We propose Argus OTF CO 1-0 observations of 150 galaxies selected from the CALIFA IFU sample to, jointly with the 126 galaxies observed with CARMA, produce a statistically meaningful dataset with negligible cosmic variance which will inform galaxy evolution science in the coming years. CALIFA provides the best z=0 IFU sample for resolved molecular gas studies: its galaxies are nearer and better resolved than those in MaNGA or SAMI, it is representative of the population for log(M*/Msun)=9-11.5, and it provides excellent data for all key optical transitions. With these observations we will answer fundamental questions regarding galaxy growth and quenching, star formation regulation, and the structure of the molecular component, and produce a lasting legacy dataset for the z=0 universe.
Name | Institution |
Serena Cronin | Maryland, University of |
Alberto Bolatto * | Maryland, University of |
Alejandra Zaavik Lugo Aranda | México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de |
Tony Wong | Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of |
Eduardo Lacerda | México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de |
Amanda Kepley | National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Carolyn Volpert | Maryland, University of |
Elizabeth Tarantino | Maryland, University of; Space Telescope Science Institute |
Vicente Villanueva | Maryland, University of |
Jialu Li | Maryland, University of |
Rebecca Levy | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Yixian Cao | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik |
Raul Baier | Concepción, Universidad de |
Felipe Sepulveda | Concepción, Universidad de |
Alex Green | Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of |
Di Wen | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
Peter Teuben | Maryland, University of |
Dave Frayer | Green Bank Observatory |
Si-Yue Yu | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie |
Akshat Tripathi | Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of |
Stuart Vogel | Maryland, University of |
Yufeng Luo | Wyoming, University of |
Sebastian Sanchez | México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de |
Leo Blitz | California at Berkeley, University of |
Karin Sandstrom | California at San Diego, University of; Arizona, University of; Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie |
Dario Colombo | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie |
Veselina Kalinova | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie |
Dyas Utomo | California at Berkeley, University of; Ohio State University |
Adam Leroy | National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Ohio State University |
Laura Lenkic | Maryland, University of; Universities Space Research Association |
Fabian Walter | Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie |
Eve Ostriker | Maryland, University of |
Helmut Dannerbauer | Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias; Wien, Universität |
Erik Rosolowsky | British Columbia at Okanagan, University of ; Alberta, University of |
Benedikt Diemer | Maryland, University of |
jorge barrera ballesteros | México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de |
Andy Harris | Maryland, University of |
* indicates the PI